Actors and Others for Animals is a California 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation.  It is dedicated to eliminating pet overpopulation, ensuring the care and protection of pet companions and improving the quality of life economically challenged, disadvantaged and undeserved pet guardians by providing referral and financial assistance for spay/neuter and veterinary medical procedures together with other animal/human bond enriching programs. For more information visit



The Roar Foundation, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which exists solely to support The Shambala Preserve. Our mission is to educate the public about the dangers of private ownership of exotic animals. Huge numbers of exotic dangerous animals are bred and sold in the United States for illegal purposes. Private ownership presents a grave danger to the public and is cruel and unfair to these animals. More stringent legislation is needed to prohibit breeding and selling. We are actively involved in legislating this on federal and state levels.

Prior to 1983 I had been rescuing the exotic felines since 1972. Up to the present, The Shambala Preserve has given sanctuary to over 235 exotic felines - lion, tiger, cougar, black and spotted leopard, serval, bobcat, Asian leopard cat, snow leopard, cheetah, lynx, tigon, liger and African elephant. All have come to the Preserve after confiscation by authorities, such as California Fish and Game, U.S. Department of Agriculture, SPCA and Humane Societies. They are from roadside zoos and private citizens who realize they have purchased an animal they can no longer handle.

The exotic cat trade is a huge business. According to US. Fish and Wildlife it is on a par with illegal drugs. Once an animal is brought to Shambala, it remains here for the remainder of its life. As a true sanctuary, we do not buy, breed, sell, trade, or subject them to commercial use. Our only purpose is to allow these magnificent animals to live out their lives with care, understanding and dignity. Each has the best human, nutritional, medical, emotional and mental care possible.
There are many ways you can support The Roar Foundation: become a Member of the Roar Foundation, Adopt a Wild One, provide an item from the Shambala Wish List; attend a Safari Tour: visit The Trading Post, become a volunteer, attend one of our hugely popular and unique Sunset Safaris, and for a truly memorable experience, spend an entire night in one of Shambala’s authentic African Tents! All of these help to further Shambala’s educational efforts and support our mission. One special weekend a month, we hold the Safaris where Shambala opens the gates to the public for a small admission fee (by reservation only). All guests must be 18-yrs or older. Please come visit us and support our beautiful Wild Ones. For more information visit



The National Association to Protect Children is a national pro-child, anti-crime membership association. We are founded on the belief that our first and most sacred obligation as parents, citizens and members of the human species is the protection of children. PROTECT is a bipartisan pro-child, anti-crime lobby whose sole focus is making the protection of children a top political and policy priority at the national, state and local levels.  In 2002, following a successful national volunteer effort to moderize North Carolina's incest law, the National Association to Protect Children (known as PROTECT) was established. PROTECT was the first single-issue lobby in America dedicated exclusively to the protection of children. We began operations in January of 2003. The next year, a charitable arm, then called Promise to Protect, was created, conducting very modest operations until 2008. In 2011, both organizations underwent strategic restructuring. Promise to Protect was renamed the National Association to Protect Children, and our original pro-child, anti-crime lobby kept the name PROTECT For more information visit

In association with H.E.R.O. Child-Rescue Corps is comprised of an elite group of wounded veterans who will be taking to a new battlefield in November, by working with federal law enforcement to locate and rescue children from sexual exploitation and abuse. In this short video, members of the H.E.R.O. Child-Rescue Corps members explain their new mission at



Donelle Dadigan is founder of The Jose Iturbi Foundation. The José Iturbi Foundation was created in 1985 by Marion Seabury and Donelle Dadigan. This not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization was founded in memory of concert great, José Iturbi. The Foundation is dedicated to continuing the legacy of José Iturbi, to fulfill his wish to make classical music accessible and enjoyable to people of all ages and walks of life, and to fulfill his desire of bringing to the public’s attention today’s greatest emerging talents and prize-winning musicians. The José Iturbi Foundation has fulfilled his mission by sponsoring blockbuster concerts, holding international musical competitions, and showcasing professional classical music artists in the making. Marion Seabury and José Iturbi enjoying a quiet moment in Ciro’s Restaurant, Mexico City, during his 1948 concert tour. Iturbi, a national favorite, enjoyed performing in dual capacity as piano soloist and conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico throughout the country. Long lines were the norm for Iturbi's concerts and they were typically sold out; Iturbi always made room for an overflow of 100 + additional seats to be placed last-minute on the stage and filled by his devoted fans in all of his concerts!

 For interviews, press, high res photos and official biography please send an email to or call 626.296.3757